Index by author
Supplement 1; Volume 83,Issue suppl 1
Ball, W. Lee
- You have accessDiabetes Mellitus: Promoting Collaboration among Health Care ProfessionalsJoAnn R. Gurenlian, W. Lee Ball and Javier La FontaineAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association January 2009, 83 (suppl 1) 3-12;
Gurenlian, JoAnn R.
- You have accessDiabetes Mellitus: Promoting Collaboration among Health Care ProfessionalsJoAnn R. Gurenlian, W. Lee Ball and Javier La FontaineAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association January 2009, 83 (suppl 1) 3-12;
La Fontaine, Javier
- You have accessDiabetes Mellitus: Promoting Collaboration among Health Care ProfessionalsJoAnn R. Gurenlian, W. Lee Ball and Javier La FontaineAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association January 2009, 83 (suppl 1) 3-12;
Wilder, Rebecca S.
- You have accessFrom the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Dental HygieneRebecca S. WilderAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association January 2009, 83 (suppl 1) 2;
In this issue
American Dental Hygienists' Association
Vol. 83, Issue suppl 1
Supplement 1
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