Table of Contents
June 2024; Volume 98,Issue 3
Adams, Crystal
- You have accessCommunity Oral Health Initiative: Driving value-based transformation in North CarolinaChristine Kanan, Stephanie Clester, Daijah Street Davis, Heather Edly, Crystal Adams and J. Steven ClineAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association June 2024, 98 (3) 13-18;
Ahern, John
- You have accessOral Health Screening by MassHealth Accountable Care Organizations: An opportunity for equity-focused interventionsJohn Ahern, Laura Sullivan, Caleb Tam, Kara Keating Bench and Benjamin Le CookAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association June 2024, 98 (3) 25-30;
- Open AccessAdvancing Oral Health Equity through Medical-Dental Integration: Dental hygienists as catalysts for change in an evolving health care systemJohn AhernAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association June 2024, 98 (3) 8-12;
Battani, Katy
- Open AccessMaking Progress in Medical Dental IntegrationKaty BattaniAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association June 2024, 98 (3) 4-5;
Bench, Kara Keating
- You have accessOral Health Screening by MassHealth Accountable Care Organizations: An opportunity for equity-focused interventionsJohn Ahern, Laura Sullivan, Caleb Tam, Kara Keating Bench and Benjamin Le CookAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association June 2024, 98 (3) 25-30;
Clester, Stephanie
- You have accessCommunity Oral Health Initiative: Driving value-based transformation in North CarolinaChristine Kanan, Stephanie Clester, Daijah Street Davis, Heather Edly, Crystal Adams and J. Steven ClineAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association June 2024, 98 (3) 13-18;
Cline, J. Steven
- You have accessCommunity Oral Health Initiative: Driving value-based transformation in North CarolinaChristine Kanan, Stephanie Clester, Daijah Street Davis, Heather Edly, Crystal Adams and J. Steven ClineAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association June 2024, 98 (3) 13-18;
Cook, Benjamin Le
- You have accessOral Health Screening by MassHealth Accountable Care Organizations: An opportunity for equity-focused interventionsJohn Ahern, Laura Sullivan, Caleb Tam, Kara Keating Bench and Benjamin Le CookAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association June 2024, 98 (3) 25-30;
Davis, Daijah Street
- You have accessCommunity Oral Health Initiative: Driving value-based transformation in North CarolinaChristine Kanan, Stephanie Clester, Daijah Street Davis, Heather Edly, Crystal Adams and J. Steven ClineAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association June 2024, 98 (3) 13-18;
Edly, Heather
- You have accessCommunity Oral Health Initiative: Driving value-based transformation in North CarolinaChristine Kanan, Stephanie Clester, Daijah Street Davis, Heather Edly, Crystal Adams and J. Steven ClineAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association June 2024, 98 (3) 13-18;
Gadbury-amyot, Cynthia C.
- Open AccessWords Matter: The paradigm shift from patient-centered to person-centered careCynthia C. Gadbury-Amyot and Jennifer A. PierenAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association June 2024, 98 (3) 6-7;
In this issue
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