Table of Contents
Fall 2004; Volume 78,Issue 4
Bartizek, Robert D
- You have accessBenefits of Sodium Hexametaphosphate-Containing Chewing Gum for Extrinsic Stain InhibitionPatricia A Walters, Aaron R Biesbrock and Robert D BartizekAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association October 2004, 78 (4) 8;
Biesbrock, Aaron R
- You have accessBenefits of Sodium Hexametaphosphate-Containing Chewing Gum for Extrinsic Stain InhibitionPatricia A Walters, Aaron R Biesbrock and Robert D BartizekAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association October 2004, 78 (4) 8;
Bond, Daniel
- You have accessUpfrontKristen Romanowski and Daniel BondAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association October 2004, 78 (4) 3;
Brian, Jacqueline
- You have accessReview of: Oral Radiology: Principles and InterpretationJacqueline BrianAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association October 2004, 78 (4) 5;
Browning, William D
- You have accessBlood Pressure Screening Practices of a Group of Dental Hygienists: A Pilot StudyCynthia T Hughes, Ana L Thompson and William D BrowningAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association October 2004, 78 (4) 11;
Collins, Marie A
- You have accessTreating Patients with Drug-Induced Gingival OvergrowthAna L Thompson, Wayne W Herman, Joseph Konzelman and Marie A CollinsAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association October 2004, 78 (4) 12;
Enrique, Platin RT
- You have accessInteractive Computer-Assisted Instruction vs. Lecture Format in Dental EducationW Bruce Howerton, Platin RT Enrique, John B Ludlow and Donald A TyndallAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association October 2004, 78 (4) 10;
Gaston, MA
- You have accessFinding the TruthMA GastonAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association October 2004, 78 (4) 1;
Gwozdek, Anne
- You have accessReview of: Atlas of Cosmetic Dentistry: A Patient's GuideAnne GwozdekAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association October 2004, 78 (4) 4;
Henson, Harold A
- You have accessDiversity, Cultural Sensitivity, Unequal Treatment, and Sexual Harassment in a School of Dental HygieneDonna P Warren, Harold A Henson, Stewart D Turner and Paula N O'NeillAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association October 2004, 78 (4) 9;
In this issue
American Dental Hygienists' Association
Vol. 78, Issue 4
Fall 2004
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