Index by author
October 2014; Volume 88,Issue 5
Gadbury-amyot, Cynthia C.
- You have accessFifteen Years of Portfolio Assessment of Dental Hygiene Student Competency: Lessons LearnedCynthia C. Gadbury-Amyot, Kimberly Krust Bray and Kylie J. AustinAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association October 2014, 88 (5) 267-274;
Granger, Christopher
- You have accessNorth Carolina Cardiologists' Knowledge, Opinions and Practice Behaviors Regarding the Relationship between Periodontal Disease and Cardiovascular DiseaseMegan Mosley, Steven Offenbacher, Ceib Phillips, Christopher Granger and Rebecca S. WilderAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association October 2014, 88 (5) 275-284;
Gurenlian, JoAnn
- You have accessExecutive Directors' Perceptions of Oral Health Care of Aging Adults in Long-Term Care SettingsPatricia M. Wintch, Tara Johnson, JoAnn Gurenlian and Karen NeilAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association October 2014, 88 (5) 302-308;
Gwozdek, Anne E.
- You have accessThe Origins of Minnesota's Mid-Level Dental Practitioner: Alignment of Problem, Political and Policy StreamsAnne E. Gwozdek, Renee Tetrick and H. Luke ShaeferAmerican Dental Hygienists' Association October 2014, 88 (5) 292-301;
In this issue
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