Research ArticleResearch
Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Work–Related Pain Correlates With Career Satisfaction Among Dental Hygienists
Aubreé Chismark, Gary Asher, Margot Stein, Tabitha Tavoc and Alice Curran
American Dental Hygienists' Association September 2011, 85 (4) 273-284;
Aubreé Chismark
Gary Asher
Margot Stein
Tabitha Tavoc

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In this issue
American Dental Hygienists' Association
Vol. 85, Issue 4
Fall 2011
Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Work–Related Pain Correlates With Career Satisfaction Among Dental Hygienists
Aubreé Chismark, Gary Asher, Margot Stein, Tabitha Tavoc, Alice Curran
American Dental Hygienists' Association Sep 2011, 85 (4) 273-284;
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