PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Klausner, Christine P AU - Gwozdek, Anne E TI - Life-Long Learning: Lessons from a Journal Study Club DP - 2007 Apr 01 TA - American Dental Hygienists Association PG - 50--50 VI - 81 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Dent Hyg2007 Apr 01; 81 AB - Evaluation of scientific literature, promoting the delivery of evidence-based care, became the focus of a group of dental hygiene colleagues. The “Journal Study Club” (JSC) was established from this concept. JSC members discuss and evaluate professional issues utilizing research-based literature. Topics include patient care, public health/access to care, technology, modalities of treatment, and professional issues. For each topic, one member serves as a program facilitator researching the scientific literature on an agreed upon topic, chooses appropriate articles, and disseminates the articles to the members to read prior to meeting. Discussion at the study club event follows the format of examining literature content, relevance, significance, evidence accuracy, and application to clinical practice. This process supports dental Hygienists’ commitment to life-long learning and the practice of evidence-based care, while providing a valuable venue for continuing dental hygiene competence and professional development.