PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Conn, Ruth E. AU - Warren-Morris, Donna AU - Prihoda, Thomas J. AU - Hicks, Beatriz M. AU - Hernandez, Emelda E. TI - Comparison of two Manual Toothbrushes in Effectiveness of Plaque Removal: A pilot study DP - 2017 Apr 01 TA - American Dental Hygienists Association PG - 32--39 VI - 91 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Dent Hyg2017 Apr 01; 91 AB - Purpose: This pilot study compared the effectiveness of plaque removal of two manual toothbrushes; a novel toothbrush design and a control reference toothbrush.Methods: Thirty-eight individuals meeting specific criteria consented to participate and were randomly assigned to one of two groups. Subjects were given both study toothbrushes eight days prior to data collection to use on alternate days for two minutes twice daily for familiarization. Subjects refrained from any oral hygiene procedures for twenty-four hours prior to data collection at which time a baseline plaque score was recorded using the O'Leary Plaque Control Record. Following the baseline plaque score recording, timed brushing was supervised by a research assistant, using a split mouth design, followed by a post-brushing plaque score. All plaque scores were recorded by the same examiner blinded to group assignment. Pre- and post-brushing scores were compared using t-tests and analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine differences. Subjects also completed a qualitative survey on the two brushes.Results: When compared to overall plaque scores, no significant differences were shown between the two brushes or when compared to all interproximal surfaces, all smooth surfaces and left vs. right sides. Both brushes performed better on the left side. The control brush was slightly more effective than the novel brush in the mandible (p=0.0222) and on lingual (p=0.0169) surfaces. Results of the survey showed that the subjects significantly favored the novel brush.Conclusion: Both brushes were effective, although the reference brush was slightly more effective in plaque removal than the novel design brush in the mandible and on lingual surfaces; however, the novel brush was preferred by participants.