RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Health Topics Emerged From Brief Motivational Interviewing: A randomized clinical trial JF American Dental Hygienists' Association JO J Dent Hyg FD American Dental Hygienists Association SP 116 OP 127 VO 97 IS 5 A1 Arnett, Michelle A1 Paulson, Danna R. A1 Evans, Michael D. A1 Blue, Christine A1 Reibel, Yvette G. YR 2023 UL http://jdh.adha.org/content/97/5/116.abstract AB Purpose The goal of this study was to analyze transcription of audio recordings to determine health topics that emerged from brief-motivational interviewing (MI) compared to traditional oral hygiene instructions (OHI).Methods Fifty-eight periodontal maintenance patients were randomized to a brief-MI or traditional OHI group for a longitudinal 1-year clinical trial. Both groups received four patient education sessions per their assigned group. Audio recordings were transcribed and coded. The overarching themes and subthemes emerged were quantified and reported as the number of instances per participant. Global scores and behavioral counts were compared across baseline, 4, 8, and 12-month research visits using mixed-effect models.Results Of the six overarching themes, the brief-MI group evoked more topics toward total health. Oral home care behaviors (15 vs 10.2) and oral diseases/conditions (3.3 vs 1.9) were discussed more in the brief-MI group compared to the traditional OHI group. This positive outcome for the average number of times a health topic was discussed in the brief-MI group compared to the traditional OHI group continued for the remaining major themes: lifestyle behaviors (1.0 vs 0.4), nutrition (2.6 vs 0.8), emotional/mental health (1.8 vs 0.8) and general health (1.2 vs 0.4).Conclusion This study identified that brief-MI was a more successful communication approach to increase discussions of oral home care behaviors, oral diseases/conditions, lifestyle behaviors, nutrition, emotional/mental health and general health compared to traditional OHI in individuals with periodontitis.