PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - DeBiase, Christina AU - Giblin-Scanlon, Lori AU - Boyd, Linda D. AU - Vineyard, Jared TI - Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Dental Hygienists Regarding Diabetes Risk Assessments and Screenings DP - 2020 Apr 01 TA - American Dental Hygienists' Association PG - 37--44 VI - 94 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Dent Hyg2020 Apr 01; 94 AB - Purpose: Untreated and poorly controlled diabetes causes increased levels of blood glucose associated with poor periodontal disease outcomes. Dental hygienists can play a significant role in screening patients for diabetes mellitus, leading to referral and early diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge, attitudes, practices, and barriers faced by clinical dental hygienists regarding diabetes risk assessment and screenings.Methods: A mixed method design was used with a convenience sample of dental hygienists in clinical practice (n=316). A 32 item, electronic survey was validated at item-level, and participants were recruited through multiple dental hygiene Facebook groups. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. The survey also included two open-ended attitude questions that were interpreted using thematic analysis to pinpoint common patterns within the data.Results: Dental hygienists had high knowledge scores regarding diabetes and oral health, although many were unaware of their states' specific statutes and regulations for screening practices. Nearly all (95.9%), were likely to educate and refer patients (82%), although fewer than half (40.9%), were likely to perform chairside screening for diabetes. Emergent themes for barriers to screening were time, money, patient acceptance/willingness, lack of education, not having the proper tools, and states' rules and regulations.Conclusion: Despite high knowledge scores regarding diabetes and oral health, there is a gap in regards to dental hygienists' willingness to perform diabetes screenings in a clinical setting. Dental hygienists should be capable of integrating chairside diabetes screening practices into the process of care with proper training.