PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Foster, Nancy AU - Willette, Amanda AU - Furgeson, Danielle TI - Practice Patterns and Attitudes of Expanded Function Dental Auxiliaries in the State of Maine DP - 2019 Oct 01 TA - American Dental Hygienists' Association PG - 32--39 VI - 93 IP - 5 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Dent Hyg2019 Oct 01; 93 AB - Purpose: Various workforce models, including the expanded function dental auxiliary (EFDA), have been created as a means to address the crisis in oral health access. Limited assessments have been conducted regarding the effectiveness of the EFDA. The purpose of the study was to assess the implementation, geographic practice patterns and attitudes regarding the education of EFDAs in the state of Maine.Methods: Licensure information on the Expanded Function Dental Auxiliaries (EFDA) in Maine was obtained from the Board of Dental Practice. A 19-item survey consisting of closed and open-ended questions pertaining to practice demographics, settings, procedures and attitudes towards basic and ongoing continuing education was sent both via email and traditional mail to all EFDAs licensed in Maine (n=75). Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data.Results: A response rate of 59% (n=43) was achieved. A majority of EFDAs (60%, n=26) were employed in private dental practices; 12% (n=5) practiced in a community/public health setting. Regarding access to care, 51% (n=22) stated that their practice did not accept Medicaid coverage. However, over half indicated feeling that they were making moderate to significant impact on increasing access. A little more than one third (35%, n=17) reported working in Penobscot County, which is not a designated provider shortage area. A majority of respondents reported less than half of their continuing education courses were relevant to EFDA practice.Conclusions: EFDA practitioners are providing needed oral health care services, however they may not be providing access to care for the intended at-risk and underserved populations in designated geographic areas. Practice patterns of EFDAs in Maine should be assessed in greater depth.