RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Knowledge and Behaviors Regarding Early Childhood Caries Among Low-Income Women in Florida: A Pilot Study JF American Dental Hygienists Association JO J Dent Hyg FD American Dental Hygienists Association SP 132 OP 138 VO 89 IS 2 A1 Rahbari, Maryam A1 Gold, Jaana YR 2015 UL http://jdh.adha.org/content/89/2/132.abstract AB Purpose: This study evaluated the oral health knowledge and behaviors in pregnant women and mothers of young children in relation to early childhood caries to assess the need for an educational oral health program. Methods: Interviews were conducted from a sample of 103 Medicaid-eligible participants; 56 pregnant women and 47 mothers with children under the age 6 in Florida. The data were collected using a 4-page questionnaire with closed-ended questions and analyzed using SAS/STAT 9.22. Results: Overall, 79 of 101 study participants (78%) did not receive any dental care during pregnancy. There was a significant relationship between the frequencies of mother's tooth brushing and how frequently toddlers' teeth were brushed (C=0.29; p=0.04), and the mothers' self-reported oral health ratings and how frequently they brushed their toddlers' teeth (r2=0.29; p=0.03). Conclusion: Mothers' oral hygiene habits are significantly related to the oral hygiene habits of their children. Oral health education, during and after pregnancy, would be beneficial to promote healthier mouths for the mothers and their children.