PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Urban, Ruth A. AU - Rowe, Dorothy J. TI - Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Dental Hygienists Regarding Caries Management by Risk Assessment DP - 2015 Feb 01 TA - American Dental Hygienists Association PG - 55--62 VI - 89 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Dent Hyg2015 Feb 01; 89 AB - Purpose: The purpose of this study was to survey dental hygienists to determine their knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding the implementation of caries risk assessment, particularly caries management by risk assessment (CAMBRA), in private dental practices. Methods: A 17 item survey was developed to evaluate dental hygienists' knowledge, attitudes and practices related to CAMBRA and perceived barriers to CAMBRA implementation in private dental practice. Surveys were mailed to a randomized sample of 1,000 dental hygienists licensed to practice in California. Responses were tabulated for each respondent, and the response frequency for each survey item was calculated. Respondents' comments to the open-ended question were compiled, according to themes. Results: The response rate was 18%. Only 66% of the respondents were familiar with the term CAMBRA, although 89% agreed with its underlying principles of risk assessment. CAMBRA protocol had been implemented in 40% of the respondents' employment sites. Respondents disagreed that time (45%) and cost of products (68%) were barriers to implementation. Many did not know their employers' knowledge or attitudes about CAMBRA and its implementation, as evidenced by a “don't know” response range of 29 to 48% for the 4 relevant statements. Respondents' comments included both successes and barriers implementing CAMBRA. Conclusion: CAMBRA protocol has not been widely implemented in private practice, although the current data do not indicate insurmountable barriers. Broader dissemination may be feasible if dental hygienists would obtain more comprehensive knowledge of evidence-based risk assessment protocols and would assume a leadership role in implementing CAMBRA protocols and procedures in private dental practices.