PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Gwozdek, Anne E. AU - Klausner, Christine P. AU - Kerschbaum, Wendy E. TI - Online Directed Journaling in Dental Hygiene Clinical Education DP - 2009 Dec 01 TA - American Dental Hygienists Association PG - 12--17 VI - 83 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Dent Hyg2009 Dec 01; 83 AB - Reflecting upon and sharing of clinical experiences in dental hygiene education is a strategy used to support the application of didactic material to patient care. The promotion of interactive, clinically focused discussions creates opportunities for students to foster critical thinking and socialization skills in dental hygiene practice. Twenty-eight dental hygiene students in their first semester of patient care utilized online directed journaling via blogging software, as a reflection and sharing strategy. Journal entries found critical thinking and socialization themes including connection of didactic material to clinical experience, student-patient interaction, student-student collaboration, and a vision of the professional role of the dental hygienist. A 7 item evaluation instrument provided data that the online journaling strategy was perceived as effective and valuable by the students. Online directed journaling is a strategy that has the potential to enhance critical thinking and socialization skills in dental hygiene clinical education.