PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Sensabaugh, Cynthia AU - Sagel, Mary Elizabeth TI - Stannous Fluoride Dentifrice with Sodium Hexametaphosphate: Review of Laboratory, Clinical and Practice-Based Data DP - 2009 Mar 01 TA - American Dental Hygienists Association PG - 70--78 VI - 83 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Dent Hyg2009 Mar 01; 83 AB - Dentifrice was originally used to promote oral hygiene by cleaning teeth. However, with advances in product formulation, it has become a valuable vehicle for the delivery of agents offering health and cosmetic benefits. Stannous fluoride, introduced in 1955 in dentifrice, is one of the longest established of such agents. The well-known anticaries efficacy of stannous fluoride is based on its impact on the tooth surfaces and on its antibacterial activity. More recently, the demand for tooth whitening products has increased, and sodium hexametaphosphate has been shown to be helpful in whitening surface stains and in controlling calculus. A dentifrice formulation that combines the benefits of stannous fluoride with those of sodium hexametaphosphate is now available. A review of the evidence shows that in addition to effective anti-caries action, this formulation is effective in fighting plaque, gingivitis, and gingival bleeding while inhibiting calculus and extrinsic stain. A practice-based evaluation including data from over 1,200 dental professionals and 1,000 patients demonstrates the product's benefits and excellent acceptability. Collectively, the research shows this stannous fluoride/sodium hexametaphosphate dentifrice provides multiple benefits to meet the oral health and cosmetic needs of patients.