RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 The Correlation Between Expanded Career Goals and Internship Courses in BSDH Programs: An Assessment JF American Dental Hygienists Association JO J Dent Hyg FD American Dental Hygienists Association SP 14 OP 14 VO 81 IS 1 A1 Dominick, C YR 2007 UL http://jdh.adha.org/content/81/1/14.abstract AB To prepare graduates for leadership roles in the profession of dental hygiene, baccalaureate education is integral. The degree program should not only broaden students' skill base, but importantly, expose them to a variety of career options. Purpose. To determine if internship placement at alternate sites would impact skill development and future career goals of BSDH-educated dental hygienists. Method. A longitudinal study was conducted of Bachelor of Science dental hygienists who completed the internship course in the years 2003-2005. Additional data will be collected from the 2006 cohort. A survey was administered to 48 students. There were 21(N=21) responses. Students were asked to assess the value of internship as a learning experience, a means to acquire new skills, and as an influence on their future career goals. Results. One hundred percent rated Internship “definitely yes” and “yes” as a valuable learning experience. Students felt they acquired the following skills: Critical Thinking (61.9 %), Interpersonal (71.4 %), Management (61.9 %), Research (57.1 %), Public Speaking (52.3 %). Sixty one percent stated that their Internship influenced their future goals: 57.1% plan to further their education in such areas as education, public health, nutrition, and dental school; thirty-eight percent of the student teachers indicated that they would pursue a career in dental hygiene education. When asked, they indicated “observation of student teachers” and “influence of a mentor and a possible career option” as having the most impact on this decision. Conclusion. It is apparent to date that students benefit from exposure to mentorship in a variety of employment venues. It is anticipated that the additional data will support that the pursuit of alternate practice settings and additional education is directly correlated to the variety of internship experiences.