PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Bast, Kendall P. AU - Arnett, Michelle C. AU - Lindgren, Bruce R. AU - Drake, Miranda A. AU - Reibel, Yvette TI - Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceptions of Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy Students towards End-stage Renal Disease: A pilot study DP - 2023 Feb 01 TA - American Dental Hygienists' Association PG - 56--65 VI - 97 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Dent Hyg2023 Feb 01; 97 AB - Purpose Chronic kidney disease is highly prevalent in the general population and can progress to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The purpose of this pilot study was to assess dental hygiene and dental therapy students’ knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions towards ESRD and evaluate the feasibility of a larger scale study.Methods A convenience sample (n=59) of dental hygiene (DH) and dual degree DH/dental therapy students were invited to participate in an electronic survey for the pilot study. The investigator designed survey consisted of a total of 37 items: demographics (4), perceived knowledge, confidence, importance and attitudes (14), knowledge of chronic kidney disease (18). The knowledge questions were adapted from the Chronic Kidney Disease Self-Management Knowledge Tool (CKD-SMKT) with permission. Descriptive statistics and the non-parametric two-sample Wilcoxon rank sum test were used to analyze the data.Results Twenty-five participants completed the survey for a 42% response rate. Fewer than half (36%) perceived having some knowledge regarding ESRD, its oral manifestations (28%) and mental health implications (12%). The importance of managing oral health for ESRD was rated by most respondents as “very important” or “extremely important” (76%). Respondent attitudes indicated high interest (68%) regarding employment in hospital settings to care for individuals with ESRD.Knowledge scores from the CKD-SMKT were low in the categories of general knowledge of ESRD and dental hygiene care modifications for individuals with ESRD.Conclusion Results of this pilot study indicate that using a validated instrument on a national sample is feasible to determine the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of dental hygiene students regarding ESRD. Future research should include knowledge and awareness of hypertension, diabetes, and the role that management of chronic kidney disease plays in the prevention of ESRD.